
5 Factors to Consider Before Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery

Many are not comfortable with their bodies or some part of their bodies and would like to change their appearance. With modern medicine, people have the option to change their appearance to match their perception of beauty. Cosmetic surgery is the branch of medicine that helps men and women alter and enhance their appearance through a single or a series of surgical procedures. Cosmetic surgery can alter and make changes to any part of your body. Since this is not a requirement demanded by a medical emergency, these surgeries are elective. They are not performed as a cure to an illness or a condition. The decision to undergo cosmetic surgery to change one’s appearance is purely a personal decision.

1. Reasons to consider surgery
Men and women opt for cosmetic surgery for many reasons:

  • To look younger
  • To alter a particular part of their eye – a nose, or the shape of the lip, the eyebrows
  • To appear slimmer by removing fat from the arms, abdomen or thighs
  • To improve self-confidence
  • To look like their idol or someone else

2. Consider your “why”
These procedures are called cosmetic because they are superficial and rarely help a person to feel good inside. That is why most surgeons urge their patients to think multiple times before opting for cosmetic surgery. Most of the reasons listed above can be handled with other options.

  • One should learn to accept aging gracefully
  • Altering a part of the body will still not change the real you. It is highly possible that it can make you feel more inadequate.
  • Exercise, physical activity, and a healthy diet can help you lose weight, which is more permanent.
  • Self-confidence and self-esteem comes more from inner strength and attitude.
  • Looking like someone else does not alter your individuality.

As per ethics, doctors are required to talk to their patients and understand their need to go for cosmetic surgery. Patients should also be educated about the risks, side effects, and time taken to recover.

3. Before you agree to surgery
A person who is thinking of opting for cosmetic surgery should tick the following checkpoints before agreeing for a surgery.

  • The decision is my own and I am not doing it for others. I am convinced about my need for surgery.
  • I have discussed this thoroughly with my family and they support my decision and they will be part of my healing process and post-surgery care.
  • My surgeon is certified by boards like the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, and has passed rigorous tests and has experience in performing such surgeries before.
  • Both I and my surgeon have a clear understanding of financial costs, expectations, and all possible outcomes of the procedure.
  • The surgery will be done in accredited hospitals and surgical facilities only.

4. Do your research
Once they are sure about their decision, they should do thorough research and understand the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery. It is equally crucial to ascertain if the doctors meet both the medical and ethical standards set up by the certified boards. Several people have suffered at the hands of uncertified, inexperienced, and cheaper surgeons.